MRR-I: Sporofilic Vessel & Astral Death
Caustic Emanations of the Abyss (CS)
MRR-II: e m p t y f l o w e r - crush (C60)
MRR-III: Phantom Staircase
Where Old Spirits Dance (CS)
MRR-IV: Fallen Desert Colour - I (CS)
MRR-V: Vuajtje - Winter Demo MMXXII (CS)
Order via the following distros. Tapes are on route now:
Crypt of the Wizard (UK) - cryptofthewizard.com
Crypt of the Wizard (UK) - cryptofthewizard.com
Death Shadow Records (US) - deathshadow.bigcartel.com
Derelict Distro (US) - derelictdistro.bigcartel.com